Ozo Golfa Klubs

Tourism in Riga

If you have one day in Riga
    If you have one day in you can spend playing golf in Ozo Golf Club located at Ķīšezers coast. It’s the first 18-hole golf course in Latvia - is one of the most technologically advanced courses in Northern Europe.
After the game you might and would like to enjoy Riga’s heart – the old town. Cobbled streets, lovely houses makes perfect atmosphere to take a look at City Hall, The Blackheads' House, St Peter's Lutheran Church, Riga Cathedral,
Liv Square and more other interesting places. The most exciting activity for you will be getting up in Peter’s Lutheran church tower - from there you will see beautiful view over the Riga. If the weather is perfect with clear sky, you even will be able to see the Baltic sea.
    If weather doesn’t please you, there is possibility to spend your spare time with walks from one museum to another. For example, you can visit the The Museum of the History of Riga and Navigation, Museum of Occupation, Museum of War, Medicine and Sport museum, etc. One of the ways how to get to know Latvian culture in one day, is to enjoy Latvian meals. One of the possibilities is to visit „LIDO”. You can have good Latvian meal in city centre, but if you want to spend day woth your family, you may go to „LIDO” on Krasta St. where children can have many of activities.
    Your summer evening you may spend back in old town in Liv Square, Dome Square, where you can enjoy live music and have a meal in outdoor cafe.

If you have two days in Riga
    Second days morning you can also spend playing golf in Ozo Golf .After the golf round you can have a meal in restaurant Bloom. Club restaurant Bloom is well known among both, golf players, as well as gourmet cuisine lovers..
    After the game, you may go back to city centre where you may walk on Elizabethes street enjoying the Jugend style houses or you may take a boat in Riga’s canal, or small ship in Daugava and have a different view to Riga.
    Close to Monument of Liberty there is Opera house. There you can enjoy wonderful performance of ballet, opera. After the opera you can have dinner in any of restaurants in Old Town.
    If you are not interested in performances, you can visit Riga Zoo and go for a walk in Mežaparks, there you can rent karting or rollers skates. After that you can get back to Riga center and go to Agenskalns, there you can see Old Television Tower, Agenskalns market, wooden architecture, Maras pond.
    In the evening Great atmosphere could be sitting on 26th floor in hotel’s Latvia restaurant Skyline. There will be perfect view over Riga. After the Skyline bar we recomend you to visit club Mad house in Old Town.

If you have three days in Riga
    Your third day in Riga you can start with lovely morning in Ozo Golf Club. This day might be full of activities. There is possibility to rent bikes and go trough the city and look for the palces where you still haven’t been. One of those things where you probably haven’t  been, might be  central market and Academy of Science. It’s something extraordinary in Riga.  
You may also go to the sea coast with a lovely beach, do shopping in Galleria Centrs or in newest shopping centre Galleria Riga.
    If you love nature you would be interested spending your time in Open Air Museum.
Also you can see old seamans houses in Kalnciema street, also there are a small markets. Lunch you can have in restaurant Ostas skati or Fabrika it is on the coust of Daugava in Zaķusala, from these places there is really beautiful view to Riga.
    If you are lucky and you are in Riga in some of the traditional celebration,  you  may visit tradional celebration markets in Doma square, where Latvians offer their own made products, gifts, souvenirs, food, clothes.
    In evening you can enjoy beatuful historical center of Riga, for example art nouveau in Alberta street, Academy of Art, Verman garden, St. Gerthruda Old Lutheran Church.

In Riga there are many interesting things to do and places to see. Do it yourself – come and enjoy !

We also recommend other hotels like hotel Valdemārs, Hotel Bergs, hotel Islande, hotel Neiburgs, hotel Justus.
Hotels near to Ozo Golf club - Unimars hotel Riga, hotel Skanste, hotel Ķeizarmežs, hotel Jūrnieks. All these and other hotels you can find in web page booking.com , in this web site you also may see prices, location and photos of hotels.

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