Ozo Golfa Klubs

Season card

Season cards 2021
Season card
01.10.20. - 31.10.20. from 01.11.20.
 1 person**
 850 EUR
1300 EUR
 Green card students 2020
 750 EUR
1200 EUR
 Family (2 pers.)*** 1300 EUR 
 1900 EUR
 Family (3 pers.)***  1900 EUR
 2400 EUR
 Family (4. pers.)***  2500 EUR
 3000 EUR
 Children (13 – 18 years) 700 EUR
 1000 EUR
 Children till 12 years (accompanied by a parents)  Free  Free

* From August 1st in year 2021 all prices have 50% discount.

**It is forbidden to use season card by other person, except its owner.
***Family card use 2 persons, who have first step relatives (husband – wife, children).
Prices without VAT 21%!

Season card (family card) provides unlimited green fees during all season in Ozo Golf Club!

                    Season card's usage rules:

                    1. Season card's owner is free from green fee, but not from participation fee in the tournaments.
                    2. Season card's owner is responsible to reserve tee time and to take green fee in the club's reception before play, where the players name, tee time and date is displayed.
                    3. If season card's owner is without green fee card on the course, the club's administration is entitled:
                    • to warn about disobeying the rules;
                    • to forbid to continue the play.
                    In the case of not obeying the rules repeatedly, club's administration is entitled to forbid season card's owner to participate in the tournaments, organised by Ozo Golf Club, or to demand to pay green fee + participation fee.
                    4. Season card owner's duty is to obey these restrictions and the rules on the course, and to take care about other players comfort as well.
                    5. Dress code: shoes with „soft spikes”. Jeans and T- shirt are NOT ALLOWED!

                    6. Procureing Ozo Golf club season card you testify that you know these rules and will observe them!
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