Ozo Golfa Klubs

Local rules

RCGA Rules govern play with the following local rules in effect:
  • OUT OF BOUNDS (Rule 27): Out of bounds is defined by white stakes. All property fences, parking lot, clubhouse area, maintenance house, driving range area. Out of bounds on a left side playing hole Nr.8. Out of bounds on right side playing hole Nr.14.
  • WATER HAZARDS (Rule 26): Water hazard is defined by yellow stakes. Lateral water hazard is defined by red stakes. 
  • GROUND UNDER REPAIR E.A. (Rule 25): Ground under repair is defined by blue stakes. GUR woth mandatory relief is defined by blue stakes. Newly planted trees with supporting stakes and their tree basins. Damages in bunker caused by heavy rain or irrigation system.
  • MOVABLE OBSTRACTIONS (Rule 24-1). Stones in bunkers
  • IMMOVABLE OBSTRUCTIONS (Rule 24-2) Cart path
  • PUMP HOUSE (hole Nr.6) White stakes between holes Nr.12 and Nr.8 when playing hole NR.12. White stakes between holes Nr.16 and Nr.14 when playing hole Nr.16. Stone walls are integral parts of the course and rule 24-2 does not apply.
  • POWER LINE: Elavated power lines must replay (no penalty).
  • GIVE WAY: You should give way without being asked.
  • NO PRACTICING: It is forbidden to play a second ball when the first ball is in sight, on the fairway or on the green.
  • PITCH MARKS: Repair your pitch marks and any others you may find.
  • BUNKER AND GREEN: Enter and exit the shortest way possible and repair footsteps.
  • RESPECT OTHER PLAYERS: Be respectful to other players, keep silent when another golfer is playing. You should average 15 minutes per hole with your total round taking no longer than four and a half hours.
  • DISTANCES: All distance markers are measured to the center of the green (100m-red, 150m-yellow, 200m-white). Check out marked stones on the fairway and on the tee boxes.
  • HOLE FLAGS: Front 9 holes- yellow falgs, back 9 holes - red flags.
  • DRESS CODE: There are dress code standards to be followed when on the premises of the golf course. Bathing attire, cutoffs and short-shorts are not considered proper dress, therefore they are not condoned. Shirts and golf shoes (with soft spikes) must be worn at all time. T-shirts and jeans are not allowed.
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